Global Cybersecurity Camp (GCC) 2021

Hong Wei
3 min readFeb 10, 2021


I joined GCC last month, this is my writing on joining this awesome camp

GCC website

GCC stands for Global Cybersecurity Camp (not C compiler)

It is an annual 1-week international cybersecurity training programme. Each participating country takes responsibility to host each annual edition.

This year camp run virtually using ZOOM, due to COVID-19.

First GCC is organised in South Korea, second in Tokyo, then this year in Taiwan. We suppose have to travel to the country which organize the event, but this year they decided to run online so we can also meet virtually

Thanks for NanoSec for let me joining this year. NanoSec Asia is a community in Malaysia, it also one of the orginazer in GCC.

I represent from Malaysia joining this camp, total 6 people from MY. In GCC, we split into groups randomly. Every teams need to do some group work every week. Each group also need to choose a topic to discuss and present to all students in the last week.

We learned many things in this camp, like a honeypot platform called “T-POT” shared in lecture:

Also we are given a challenge called “Robust Protocol”, basically we need to implement a protocol for Raspberry Pi to communicate but through a faulty LAN cable (some packet will loss).

The challenge is to send 1000 files in 60 seconds, the more the file sent the more the score gains. More details about the challenge at here:

One group with highest score can get a robust protocol certificate!

Our group only manage to get 100+ files transferred, got 1 team wins with 600+ files! They shared their Python source code:

We also get to know a CTF learning platform from Korea called Dreamhack, that’s a awesome nice CTF platform!

It provided various lesson from beginner to advance on many categories like Web, Reverse, Crypto etc. I think the only thing to improve is the supported language haha

We also learn how to use some advance technique in Ghidra, it will help us to speed up the process of reverse engineering.

Thank you to all of the lectures and speakers from Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan for sharing all the knowledge to us!

At the end of the GCC, we are invited to join a CTF in AIS3, top CTF team in Taiwan

It was a nice and challenging CTF, we only solved 2 challenges, I will share the writeup in my github soon.

Special shout out to the NanoSec members that help us to get into GCC:

  • Mr. Khoo Li Jing
  • Mr. Jin Fu
  • Mr Tommy Wong
  • Mr Hafez Kamal
  • Mr. Jaan Yeh

Photo of the closing ceremony

GCC Closing Ceremony Group Photo
GCC Closing Ceremony Group Photo


Thanks for students and lectures from Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and Australia that join this camp. I learned many things in this camp. Hopefully we can meet physically next time.



Hong Wei
Hong Wei

Written by Hong Wei

From Malaysia, CTF player, Team SKR leader

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